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Call for Tips and Tricks for Successful Pathway and Bridge Programs

10/16/2024 11:53 AM | Dustin Melchior (Administrator)

ASPBP is excited to continue the series "Tips & Tricks for Successful Pathway and Bridge Programs" in the upcoming issue of PBP Wire (January/February 2025 Vol. 7). We want to hear your tips and tricks for running successful programs and are excited to announce the call for short article abstract submissions. 

These articles should offer practical and feasible advice for improving the recruitment of students to and/or participation in programming, ways to increase pre-matriculation competencies of students, or ways to improve teaching and learning.  Programs should target one of the following populations- K-12 outreach and enrichment, undergraduate engagement, or post-baccalaureate programs. Articles should be brief- a maximum of 800 words, not counting your abstract, references, and acknowledgments. Captions count towards the word limit. Articles are limited to a maximum combined three figures/tables, as our goal is to limit the article to two and a half pages.     
Interested authors should submit a 200-word abstract discussing their proposed article by Thursday, October 31, 2024. Abstract submissions can be made on the member portal here. Individuals will be notified in mid-May of their selection. Only members who are up-to-date on their dues are eligible to submit.

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Criteria for Abstract Selection

  • Relevance to the ASPBP community
  • Mission fit with regards to ASPBP
  • Focused on improving recruitment of students or participation in programming, increasing pre-matriculation competencies of students, or improving teaching and learning within PBP (K-12, undergraduate, or post-baccalaureate programs)
  • Tips and tricks are innovative, engaging, or push forward the ASPBP community
  • Tips and tricks are feasible and can be replicated
  • Tips and tricks are clearly presented and easy to follow


  • Mid-October - abstract submission opens
  • October 31st - submission closes
  • Mid-November - individuals will be notified. (Note, only paid members are eligible to submit! Join here:
  • December 15th - full submissions due
  • December 20th - submissions will be returned with comments
  • Late January/early February - article will be published in PBP Wire

Additional information for article submission

  • Word or Google Doc
  • Document format-double-spaced 11 pt. Times New Roman, including line numbers
  • Figures and tables should be listed at the end of the document, but indicate within the article where you would like them to be placed
  • Document Structure
    • Title page with author name and affiliation
    • Abstract and keywords (3-5)
    • Article with brief introduction, body, and conclusion. Please include lessons learned and how this may help others
    • Abbreviations
    • Acknowledgments
    • References (APA)
    • Conflict of interest statement
  • Figure and table format-Initially the figures can be PDF, but final submissions should be in TIFF grayscale or the RGB color mode or PNF. 300 dpi. Please use accessible colors. Tables must be saved as a picture. Website links- All URL Addresses in the text should be accessible by click
  • Any work that includes human data must have an IRB approval or a Not for Human Research designation
  • Bio- All individuals published will be asked to submit a 100-word bio that will be published on the ASPBP site
For more information about this opportunity please feel free to reach out to

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